Who is My Guardian Angel? Know Yours and Ask for Divine Help

Who is your guardian angel?

As you seek answers in life, guardian angels can be an enlightening presence that guides you through the right path.

But to invoke their help, you need to know who they are.

In this post, we’ll help you learn the name of your guardian angel, how to find them, and how to ask them for help.

What are Guardian Angels?

Guardian angels are spiritual stewards that can accompany you as you navigate in this life. They are like your personal trainers cheering you in the gym or a buddy who sincerely wishes the best for you.

Angels treat us with respect and never force us to do anything against our will, despite the fact that they are perfect beings. They may not have physical forms, but they do have minds and wills, and they act in particular ways to advise, protect, and even influence us for the better, all while respecting our autonomy.

Is There a Guardian Angel for Me?

Yes, you do have a guardian angel.

Each one of us has a guardian angel since the day we were born. Your guardian is said to be with you until you take your last breath and possibly beyond, regardless of whether you believe them or not.

Why Knowing Your Guardian Angel Is Important

Guardian angels are trusted allies that serve different roles in our lives.

With them around, you have a friend who understands your motives, a mentor from whom you may seek advice, a guard to keep you safe, and a companion if you feel lonely.

Furthermore, guardian angels are entrusted with guiding their human subjects to a higher spiritual state.

Think of your guardian angel as a flashlight. When there is a power outage, your guardian angel will shine your way and will allow you to see clearly in the dark.

These heavenly figures are important because they guide us through life, especially in the darkest times.

How to Find Your Guardian Angel

If you want to find your Guardian Angel, learn their name, and engage with them, congratulations! You’re on the right path in your quest for clarity.

As previously stated, your guardian angel has been with you from the moment you are born. You do not need to find them because a guardian angel has always been with you. However, seeking them and asking their names for guidance does take some effort.

Follow the steps below on how to find your guardian angel:

  1. Meditate in a quiet room. Find a comfortable sitting position and focus on your breathing.
  2. Allow yourself to relax. Listening to soothing music may help you get in the zone.
  3. As you achieve a sense of calm, ask your highest spiritual self, “Who is my guardian angel?”
  4. Speak the question aloud, which acts as a verbal manifestation of your thoughts that send the right signal to the universe.
  5. As you go deeper into the process, the name of your guardian angel may pop up in your head.
  6. If nothing comes, ask your angel for a sign of their identity. You may look closely at the small details that can easily be missed, such as the lyrics of a song or similar clues.
  7. Trust your intuition and name your angel yourself based on the signs you will notice.

How to Ask Your Guardian Angel for Help

Once you have identified your guardian angel, you are done with the first step of getting in contact with them.

The good news is that all of us have direct contact with our guardian angels. Angels are so pure that when we speak with them, they’d love and appreciate you acknowledging their existence.

If you wish to communicate with your angel, you can try any of the following:

  • Meditate
  • Write your thoughts on paper
  • Recite a prayer
  • Sing a song you dedicate to your angel

Go for a method that you feel most at ease with.

Just ask intently and they will gladly answer you. And another important thing: be open to receiving their answers in subtle ways.

How to Know Your Guardian Angel is With You

We may not notice it, but our angels are always around us. They frequently drop tiny signs to tell us a message.

For instance, when your guardian angel is nearby, you may notice the temperature suddenly rising. You may also smell unusual scents in unexpected places.

These are only some of the signs that your guardian angel is trying to contact you.

Because of the bustle of daily life, it’s easy to miss these signs. As a result, our angels deliver us the same messages over and over in the hopes of guiding us.

What we need is to pay more attention to these clues, eventually seeing beyond the mundane attempts of contacts. Then, draw meaning from them.

Final Thoughts

A guardian angel is your own personal internet search engine, long before one was designed to ask you questions about your life. It is available to us at any moment; all we need is our free will to activate it.

The solutions to our inquiries may not always be obvious, but we can always trust our angels to provide them in ways unique to us.

We should also always express appreciation for the presence of our guardian angels in our lives, just as we should for most other blessings we receive. Allow yourself a minute or two of your day to say a prayer to your angels, thanking them for their existence and asking them to keep you safe from danger.